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This is the new CenSARA webpage!  There may still be some slight bugs, so if you see anything odd, please feel free to contact the webdesigner at  Hope you enjoy the updated page!

This is the new CenSARA webpage!  There may still be some slight bugs, so if you see anything odd, please feel free to contact the webdesigner at  Hope you enjoy the updated page!

Who are we?

About CenSARA

CenSARA is one of six multijurisdictional organizations who work with state and local air quality agencies to address regional air quality issues through technical work and training.  CenSARA's region covers the state and local air programs in Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas.

Coordination on Regional and National Issues

CenSARA provides support to its membership by developing comment letters on EPA proposed rulemaking implementation guidance and by providing technical analysis to support implementation of NAAQS and the Regional Haze Rule.  CenSARA works collaboratively with other MJOs and national associations including  AAPCA, ECOS and NACAA to coordinate national workshops and training opportunities that support the needs of state and local air quality agencies.

In-Person Classroom and Virtual Training

CenSARA operates a robust training program that includes both in-person instructor led training and virtual training.  The subject matter varies from technical to soft skill courses like technical writing.  CenSARA surveys the membership each year to determine the training needs of the member agencies and then works with available instructors to schedule and manage the delivery of the training.

EPA Self Instructional Content for State/Local Agency Personnel

CenSARA members can access self-instructional courses offered on EPA's AirKnowledge Learning Management Systen (LMS) system.  Completion of self instructional materials from the EPA LMS will be recorded on CenSARA Student transcripts.

In order to access our training, CenSARA membership must create an account using their agency domain email address.  This should be the same email address that they use to create an account on EPA's AirKnowledge LMS.

CenSARA Standing Committees

CenSARA has standing committees that are focused on several topics that include Regional Haze, Planning and SIP Develpment, and Technical Workshare.  The Technical Workshare committee meets monthly to discuss a wide variety of national workgroup efforts, most of which are related to emissions inventory.

CenSARA can provide travel support for members to participate in national meetings and training events.  For most meetings, we can provide travel support for one or two members from each organization.  Travel support is normally limited to airfare and hotel costs.


Course Schedule

Upcoming Courses

Here's a listing of the next 10 courses on the schedule.  Click the titles to register or the Trainings and Workshops menu link above to see all available.

Title Dates Class Location Location City/State
NACT #355 Advanced Inspector Training (4/8/2025 - 4/10/2025) - Galvez Building Baton Rouge
TOXC219-CI: Aggregate, Asphalt, & Concrete Batching Operations (formerly NACT 246) (4/28/2025 - 4/29/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Austin Austin, TX - Has a site visit - Private Instructor
PERM140-CI: Volatile Organic Compound Control Devices (formerly NACT 284) (4/30/2025 - 4/30/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Austin Austin, TX - Has a site visit - Private Instructor
TOXC226-CI: Industrial Boilers (formerly NACT 273) (5/1/2025 - 5/1/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Austin Austin, TX - Has a site visit - Private Instructor
BASC107-CI: Theory and Application of Air Pollution Control Devices (formerly NACT 299) (9/23/2025 - 9/24/2025) - Missouri Department of Natural Resources - 1730 East Elm Jefferson City, Missouri - Has a site visit
TOXC241-CI: Fabric Filters Baghouses (formerly NACT 282 Baghouses) (9/25/2025 - 9/25/2025) - Missouri - 1101 Riverside Dr, Jefferson City, MO 65101 Jefferson City, Missouri - Has a site visit
SRCE103-CI: Introduction to Continuous Monitoring Systems (formerly NACT 221) (9/26/2025 - 9/26/2025) - Missouri - 1101 Riverside Dr, Jefferson City, MO 65101 Jefferson City, Missouri - Has a site visit
210 CenSARA Technical Writing AM Session (10/14/2025 - 10/16/2025) - Virtual Training Virtual Training
PERM204-CI: Compliance Assurance Monitoring CAM (formerly NACT 220) (10/14/2025 - 10/14/2025) - Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Lincoln, Nebraska - Has a site visit
TOXC102-CI: NACT #290 MACT (10/15/2025 - 10/15/2025) - Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Lincoln, Nebraska - Has a site visit
SRCE103-CI: Introduction to Continuous Monitoring Systems (formerly NACT 221) (10/16/2025 - 10/16/2025) - Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Lincoln, Nebraska - Has a site visit
PERM140-CI: Volatile Organic Compound Control Devices (formerly NACT 284) (10/17/2025 - 10/17/2025) - Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Lincoln, Nebraska - Has a site visit
TOXC240-CI: Fugitive Volatile Organic Compounds (formerly NACT 262 Fugitive VOC Emissions Inspections) (11/18/2025 - 11/18/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - C131 Austin, TX - Has a site visit
BASC107-CI: Theory and Application of Air Pollution Control Devices (formerly NACT 299) (11/19/2025 - 11/20/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - C131 Austin, TX - Has a site visit
SRCE103-CI: Introduction to Continuous Monitoring Systems (formerly NACT 221) (11/21/2025 - 11/21/2025) - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - C131 Austin, TX - Has a site visit