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Title Course Name Description
Air Toxics Rule Development and Implementation Curriculum Air Toxics Rule Development and Implementation Curriculum Several Modules by Learning Objective
TOXC230-CI: Dry Cleaning (formerly NACT 287) TOXC230-CI: Dry Cleaning (formerly NACT 287) This one-day course explains the basic aspects of dry cleaning operations.
TOXC101-SI: Introduction to Air Toxics TOXC101-SI: Introduction to Air Toxics After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain key topics relating to air toxics. The intended audience for this course is new hires in state, local, and tribal air agencies. This course is also useful for EPA staff as well as the public. This course is comprised of 8 modules and an exam. The modules are as follows:

Module 1: What are Air Toxics?
After completion of this module, learners will be able to define air toxics. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Explain the term air toxics.
Explain the characteristics of air toxics.
Explain what the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) list is under the Clean Air Act.
Explain how the HAPs list is revised under the Clean Air Act.
Module 2. What are the Sources of Air Toxics? After completion of this module, learners will be able to list the sources of ambient air toxics.

Module 3. Health and Environmental Effects of Air Toxics. After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the health and environmental effects of air toxics. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Identify the types of health effects that air toxics can cause.
Describe factors that can impact the type and/or severity of health effects.
Describe how air toxics can affect the environment.
Module 4. Regulatory Framework for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Stationary Sources. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to identify the key elements of the regulatory framework for HAPs from stationary sources. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Identify the key elements of the regulatory framework for HAPs from stationary sources.
Explain how hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are identified (listed) and delisted under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Define major and area stationary sources.
Explain the requirements for identifying (listing) major and area sources under the CAA.
Identify the two types of emissions standards.
Describe the components of emissions standards.
Explain how standards are set for major sources.
Explain how standards are set for area sources.
Explain technology review of MACT or GACT standards.
Explain residual risk review of MACT standards.
Module 5. Why Monitor Ambient Air Toxics? After completion of this module, learners will be able explain the objectives of monitoring ambient air toxics.

Module 6. The EPA's Ambient Air Toxics Monitoring Program. After completion of this module, learners will be able to describe each of the key activities of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s ambient air toxics monitoring program. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Describe key monitoring networks for collecting air toxics data.
Describe targeted air toxics studies.
Explain the purpose of measurement methods development.
Describe quality assurance.
Module 7. Purposes and Types of Emissions Inventories. After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the three primary inventories that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) develops.

Explain the purpose of emissions inventories.
Explain the key uses of emissions inventories.
Describe how different types of emissions inventories can meet different needs.
Describe the three national emissions inventories that the EPA develops.
Explain how the three national emissions inventories differ.
Module 8. Key Concepts for Air Toxics Risk Assessments. After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain key concepts that are related to conducting human health air toxics risk assessments. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Define the term "health risk" as it relates to air toxics.
Explain exposure and toxicity values used for evaluating health risk in air toxics risk assessments.
Explain what an air toxics risk assessment is.
Identify the different types of air toxics risk assessments.
Describe the difference between air toxics risk assessment and risk management.
Explain each of the stages in the air toxics risk assessment framework.
TOXC102-CI: Regulation of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Stationary Sources TOXC102-CI: Regulation of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Stationary Sources This 1-day course serves as a building block to provide learners with foundational knowledge for why and how hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from stationary sources are regulated before taking courses on other air toxics or industry-specific topics, such as permitting, control technologies, inspections, or enforcement.

This course covers the listing of HAPs, listing of HAPs sources, components of the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) standard setting, and NESHAP residual risk review and technology review.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the regulatory framework for hazardous air pollutants from stationary sources. Specifically, learners will be able to:

• Identify the key elements of the regulatory framework for HAPs from stationary sources.
• Explain how HAPs are identified (listed) and delisted under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
• Define major and area stationary sources.
• Explain the requirements for identifying (listing) major and area sources under the CAA.
• Identify the types of emissions standards.
• Describe the components of emissions standards.
• Explain how emissions standards are set for major and area sources.
• Explain technology and residual risk review of emission standards.

Note: It is presumed that learners who attend this course already have foundational knowledge of air toxics topics. If learners do not already have this knowledge, it is recommended that the following e-learning modules are taken prior to attending this course:

• What are air toxics?
• What are the sources of air toxics?
• What are the health and environmental effects of air toxics?

A similar version of this course is also offered virtually. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the materials for the virtual course, please email AirKnowledge at
TOXC102-CI: Regulation of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from Stationary Sources

TOXC102 Course PowerPoint.pdf

TOXC102 Participant Guide.pdf

TOXC102 Handout Helpful Resources.pdf

TOXC102 Handout Clean Air Act Section112.pdf

TOXC105-SI: Air Toxics Risk Assessment Framework TOXC105-SI: Air Toxics Risk Assessment Framework This course provides an overview of the framework for human health air toxics risk assessments. After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain key concepts as well as the stages of the risk assessment process. The primary audience for this course is new hires in state, local, and tribal air agencies who conduct human health air toxics risk assessments and/or new hires who are interested in learning about air toxics risk assessment concepts. This course is also useful for EPA staff as well as the public.

It is recommended that learners complete the module “Health and Environmental Effects of Air Toxics,” with a specific focus on the health effects lesson, before taking this course.

This course is comprised of two modules and an exam.

Module 1. Key Concepts for Air Toxics Risk Assessments

After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain key concepts that are related to conducting human health air toxics risk assessments.

Specifically, learners will be able to:

Define the term "health risk" as it relates to air toxics.
Explain exposure and toxicity values used for evaluating health risk in air toxics risk assessments.
Explain what an air toxics risk assessment is.
Identify the different types of air toxics risk assessments.
Describe the difference between air toxics risk assessment and risk management.
Explain each of the stages in the air toxics risk assessment framework.
Module 2. Air Toxics Risk Assessment Process

After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the inputs and outputs as well as key activities that take place during each stage of the human health air toxics risk assessment process. This module is arranged in 6 lessons and a resources section. Lesson learning objectives are as follows:

Lesson 1. Introduction. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Identify each of the air toxics risk assessment stages.
Explain the role of the air toxics risk assessor.
Lesson 2. Planning and Scoping and Problem Formulation. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Describe planning and scoping and problem formulation.
Identify the inputs and outputs of planning and scoping and problem formulation.
Explain the key activities that take place during each step of planning and scoping and problem formulation.
Lesson 3. Hazard Identification. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Describe hazard identification.
Identify the inputs and outputs of hazard identification.
Explain the key activities that take place during each step of hazard identification.
Lesson 4. Dose-Response Assessment. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Generally describe the dose-response assessment.
Identify the inputs and outputs of the dose-response assessment.
Describe the activities that take place during dose-response assessment.
Explain important concepts for cancer and noncancer dose-response assessments.
Lesson 5. Exposure Assessment. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Describe exposure assessment.
Identify the inputs and outputs of an exposure assessment.
Explain the activities that take place in order to characterize the exposure setting during exposure assessment.
Explain how the exposure pathway is evaluated during exposure assessment.
Explain how the exposure concentration is calculated during exposure assessment.
Lesson 6. Risk Characterization. After completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Describe risk characterization.
Identify the inputs and outputs of the risk characterization stage.
Explain how cancer risk is calculated and presented during risk characterization.
Describe the factors for consideration when calculating population risk.
Explain how noncancer hazard is calculated during risk characterization.
Explain how uncertainties and biases are assessed and presented during risk characterization.
TOXC215-CI: Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities (formerly NACT 242) TOXC215-CI: Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities (formerly NACT 242) After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain:

• The process of hot mix asphalt production
• Equipment
• Permit requirements
• Types of air pollution control
• Techniques for performing a compliance inspection
TOXC216-CI: Aggregate Plants (formerly NACT 243) TOXC216-CI: Aggregate Plants (formerly NACT 243) This one-day course provides an overview of aggregate plants, including the following topics:

• Emissions and health impacts
• Aggregate industry
• Aggregate process
• Engineering evaluation
• Inspection procedures
TOXC218-CI: Cement Plants (formerly NACT 245) TOXC218-CI: Cement Plants (formerly NACT 245) This one-day course provides general information associated with cement plants, including:

• How is cement made
• Types of cement kilns
• Types of calciner towers
• Classes of cement
• Raw materials in cement
• Major components of Portland cement clinker
• Types of cement
• Inspection techniques
• Types of controls used
TOXC219-CI: Aggregate, Asphalt, & Concrete Batching Operations (formerly NACT 246) TOXC219-CI: Aggregate, Asphalt, & Concrete Batching Operations (formerly NACT 246) After completion of this three-day course, learners will be to explain operation of aggregate, asphalt, & concrete batching plants. This course includes a site visit. This course is a consolidated course covering key aspects of TOXC215, 216, 217, and 218. The following topics are covered in this course:

• Air emissions
• Health impacts
• Industry information
• Industrial processes
• Engineering evaluation
• Inspection procedures
• Permit requirements
TOXC220-CI: Surface Coatings: Metal Parts & Products (formerly NACT 231) TOXC220-CI: Surface Coatings: Metal Parts & Products (formerly NACT 231) After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain:

• Types of coatings
• Application techniques applied in the controlled conditions of a factory
• Control technologies
• Inspection procedures
• Coating steps and points of emissions
• List of hazardous materials found in coatings
TOXC221-CI: Solvent Cleaning: Degreasing Operations (formerly NACT 233) TOXC221-CI: Solvent Cleaning: Degreasing Operations (formerly NACT 233) This one-day course provides an overview of solvent cleaning specifically degreasing operations.
TOXC222-CI: Incinerators (formerly NACT 270) TOXC222-CI: Incinerators (formerly NACT 270) This one-day course focuses on process, emission control equipment and inspection procedures of small to medium sized solid waste incinerators.
TOXC223-CI: Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, RICE (formerly NACT 271) TOXC223-CI: Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines, RICE (formerly NACT 271) Topics include:

• Theory and operation
• Air/fuel delivery systems
• Reciprocating engine emissions
• Emissions control methods
• Regulations
• Inspections
TOXC224-CI: Stationary Gas Turbines and Power Plants (formerly NACT 272) TOXC224-CI: Stationary Gas Turbines and Power Plants (formerly NACT 272) This two-day course provides an overview of the key elements relating to stationary gas turbines.
TOXC225-SI: Instruction to Boiler Operations TOXC225-SI: Instruction to Boiler Operations (formerly SI-428) After completion of this course, learners will be able to:

*Briefly describe the overall operation of a boiler
*Recognize the difference between a fire-tube and a water-tube boiler
*Calculate boiler efficiency using various figures and tables
*Briefly describe how air and fuel are introduced into a boiler
*Recognize various boiler auxiliary equipment and their use
*List three potential air pollution emissions from boilers and at least three control devices used to reduce these emissions
Please note that this course should be considered supplemental material, as there is no course exam associated with it. Therefore, learners who take this course will not receive a course completion certificate.
TOXC226-CI: Industrial Boilers (formerly NACT 273) TOXC226-CI: Industrial Boilers (formerly NACT 273) This one-day course provides an overview of industrial boiler operations.
TOXC227-CI: Biomass Boilers (formerly NACT 274) TOXC227-CI: Biomass Boilers (formerly NACT 274) This one-day course provides an overview of biomass boiler operations.
TOXC228-CI: Polyester Resins and Fiberglass (formerly NACT 261) TOXC228-CI: Polyester Resins and Fiberglass (formerly NACT 261) This one-day course covers the history, use of raw materials, production methods, emission control methods and inspection procedures for polyester resin and fiberglass facilities, as well as pollution prevention, legal requirements, and Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)/Best Available Control technology (BACT).
TOXC229-CI: Landfill Gas Control Facilities (formerly NACT 285) TOXC229-CI: Landfill Gas Control Facilities (formerly NACT 285) This one-day course provides an overview of the key elements relating to landfill gas control facilities.
TOXC231-CI: Petroleum Refining (formerly NACT 288) TOXC231-CI: Petroleum Refining (formerly NACT 288) This two-day course covers terminology, basic chemistry, pollutants of concern, control technologies, regulations common to petroleum refineries, and the steps in the refining process.
TOXC240-CI: Fugitive Volatile Organic Compounds (formerly NACT 262 Fugitive VOC Emissions Inspections) TOXC240-CI: Fugitive Volatile Organic Compounds (formerly NACT 262 Fugitive VOC Emissions Inspections) This one-day course explains how fugitive volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in regulated facilities are identified.
TOXC331-CI: Sources and Control of Volatile Organic Air Pollutants (formerly APTI 482) TOXC331-CI: Sources and Control of Volatile Organic Air Pollutants (formerly APTI 482) This four-day course prepares learners to evaluate techniques typically used to control volatile organic emissions from certain industrial sources.
TOXC332-CI: Combustion Evaluation (formerly APTI 427) TOXC332-CI: Combustion Evaluation (formerly APTI 427) This four-and-a-half day course covers different types of combustion sources and the operating characteristics of each source. Topics include:

• Combustion sources burning liquid and solid wastes
• Combustion sources burning fossil fuel
• Combustion engines (diesel engines, gas turbines, etc.)
• Combustion principles
• Design and operational parameters
• Selected fundamental calculations
• Pollution control devices