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Please select a class type to see a list of available courses. Click on the blue title to get more details on the course.
Title Course Name Description
PLAN252-CI: Fugitive Dust (formerly NACT 252) PLAN252-CI: Fugitive Dust (formerly NACT 252) After completion of this one-day course, learners will be able to explain fugitive dust control in the context of the following topics:

• Health effects of particulate matter (PM10) pollution
• Fugitive dust sources
• Dust control measures
• Fugitive dust rules and regulations
• Dust control plans
• Visible dust emissions and test methods
Air Pollution Basics Curriculum Air Pollution Basics Curriculum Several Modules by Learning Objective
Air Quality Modeling Curriculum Air Quality Modeling Curriculum Several Modules by Learning Objective
Air Quality Planning Curriculum Air Quality Planning Curriculum Several Modules by Learning Objective
BASC102-SI: History of the Clean Air Act and Progress Since Its Enactment BASC102-SI: History of the Clean Air Act and Progress Since Its Enactment The course is comprised of 2 modules:
Module 1: The History of Air Pollution Control Legislation
After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation.
Specifically, learners will be able to:
Describe key historic episodes that led to the passage of air pollution control legislation.
Describe how environmental laws and regulations are created in the United States.
Describe how air pollution control laws have changed over time.
Describe, in general, why the EPA was initially established.
Describe key components of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Module 2: Clean Air Act Progress
After completion of this module, learners will be able to describe progress made with air pollution control since the 1970 passage of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Specifically, learners will be able to:
Describe progress related to the reduction of six common air pollutants as a result of Clean Air Act programs.
Describe progress related to the reduction of toxic emissions from various sources as a result of Clean Air Act programs.
Describe progress related to human health and environmental benefits as a result of Clean Air Act programs.
Describe progress related to visibility trends throughout the United States as a result of Clean Air Act programs.
Describe progress related to improved technologies as a result of Clean Air Act programs.
Identify ways in which Clean Air Act programs are working to address the threat of climate change.
Identify the EPA’s goals of advancing environmental justice so that everyone receives the full benefits of clean air.
BASC103-SI: Types of Air Pollutants BASC103-SI: Types of Air Pollutants After completion of this course, learners will be able to describe the types of air pollutants that are harmful to human health and/or the environment.
BASC104-SI: Controlling Air Pollution BASC104-SI: Controlling Air Pollution After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain general approaches as well as technology-specific controls for reducing emissions of particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
BASC105-SI: Greenhouse Gas Basics BASC105-SI: Greenhouse Gas Basics After completion of this course, learners will be able to generally describe greenhouse gases in terms of what they are, how they impact climate, what their sources are, and how their emissions are tracked in the U.S.
BASC106-SI: Health and Environmental Effects of Air Pollution BASC106-SI: Health and Environmental Effects of Air Pollutants The course is comprised of four modules:
Module 1: Health Effects of Air Pollutants
• After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the health effects of air pollutants. Specifically, learners will be able to:
• Identify ways that exposures to pollutants may differ and those populations that may be more vulnerable to health effects.
• Describe some potential effects of air pollutant exposure on the respiratory system.
• Describe the effects of air pollutant exposure on the cardiovascular system.
• Identify other possible health effects from exposure to air pollution.

Module 2: Environmental Effects of Air Pollutants
• After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the environmental effects of air pollutants. Specifically, learners will be able to:
• Explain how air pollutants behave and interact in the atmosphere including the formation of ozone, particulate matter, and acid deposition as well as how ozone layer depletion and the greenhouse effect occur.
• Explain how air pollutants impact aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
• Explain how haze is formed and how it impacts the visibility of scenic areas.
• Explain how acid deposition and UVB radiation can damage various materials.
• Describe some of the ways that climate change is affecting the Earth.

Module 3: Health and Environmental Effects of Criteria Pollutants
• After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the health and environmental effects of criteria pollutants. Specifically, learners will be able to:
• Identify the 6 criteria air pollutants.
• Explain the formation, the health effects, and the environmental effects of each of the 6 criteria pollutants (ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, lead, and nitrogen dioxide).

Module 4: Health and Environmental Effects of Air Toxics
• After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the health and environmental effects of air toxics. Specifically, learners will be able to:
• Identify the types of health effects that air toxics can cause.
• Describe factors that can impact the type and/or severity of health effects.
• Describe how air toxics can affect the environment.
BASC107-CI: Theory and Application of Air Pollution Control Devices (formerly NACT 299) BASC107-CI: Theory and Application of Air Pollution Control Devices (formerly NACT 299) After completion of this two-day course, learners will be able to explain emissions control techniques for specific pollutants.

The following topics are covered in this course:

• Control of power plant emissions
• Control of oxides of nitrogen
• Control of particulate emissions and ammonia slip
• Introduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
• Introduction of VOC control
• Introduction to control of particulate matter (PM)
• Cyclones and baghouses
• Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and scrubbers
• Particulate filters and gas-fired internal combustion (IC) engine controls
BASC110-SI: Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) BASC110-SI: Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the purpose of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) within the air quality management process. Note: It is recommended, but not required, that learners complete the module “What are Criteria Pollutants” before taking this course.
BASC111-SI: Introduction to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Implementation BASC111-SI: Introduction to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Implementation This course is arranged into 3 modules:

Module 1: What are Area Designations?
After competing this module, learners will be able to:

Define the term area designations,
Explain the Clean Air Act (CAA) designation requirements,
Explain what CAA Section 107(d) establishes in the designations process, and
Define attainment, nonattainment, and unclassifiable area designations under the CAA.
Module 2: What is a State or Tribal Implementation Plan? (SIP or TIP)
After completing this module, learners will be able to:

Generally explain what a SIP/TIP is; and
Explain the two main types of SIPs/TIPs
Module 3: Timeline and Roles for SIP/TIP Submittal and Review
After completing this module, learners will be able to explain the general timeline and roles for SIP/TIP submittal by states, local air agencies and participating tribes, as well as EPA review.
BASC114-SI: Core Principles of the EPA's Air Permitting Programs BASC114-SI: Core Principles of the EPA's Air Permitting Programs This course consists of two modules and an exam:

Module 1: New Source Review Program

Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to describe the basic elements of the New Source Review (NSR) permitting program.

Specifically, learners will be able to:

Explain the NSR program
Describe an NSR permit
Identify what agencies issue NSR permits
Identify the pollutants regulated by the NSR permitting program
Explain how a source's location impacts NSR permitting requirements
Explain how a source's quantity of emissions impact NSR permitting requirements
Describe the three types of NSR permits
Explain the requirements a source must meet for each of the three types of permits

Module 2: Title V Permitting Program

After completion of this module, learners will be able to describe the basic elements of the Title V permitting program.

Specifically, learners will be able to:

Describe the Title V permit program
Identify the statutory and regulatory requirements for Title V
Describe the purpose of the Title V program
Explain who issues Title V permits
Identify the pollutants that could cause a source to be subject to the Title V permitting program
Identify what sources are required to obtain a Title V permit
Describe the roles of the sources, the air agencies, the EPA and the public in the Title V permitting process
Describe the basic process to obtain a Title V permit
BASC124-SI: Air Pollution Control Orientation Course BASC124-SI: Air Pollution Control Orientation Course (formerly SI-422) After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the various interrelated aspects of air pollution control, understand the basic terminology, and have a rudimentary understanding of some of the technical aspects of regulating, measuring, and controlling air pollution.

Major topics covered in this course are:

The atmosphere and its components.
How air pollutants are categorized.
The sources of air pollution.
The difference between criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants.
How pollution affects health and welfare.
BASC198-SI: Air Quality Management Under the Clean Air Act BASC198-SI: Air Quality Management Under the Clean Air Act This air quality overview course is intended for new hires within state, local, and tribal air agencies. After completion of the course, learners will be able to explain and define each of the components of the air quality management cycle in the United States under the Clean Air Act and the basic scientific concepts that support them.

This course currently consists of 26 modules. Over the next few years, two additional modules will be added which will address Tribal Air Quality, and Environmental Justice. Course completion certificates will be available at the time the course is completed, whether with 26 modules now or with 28 modules later.
MODL102-SI: Basic Air Pollution Meteorology MODL102-SI: Basic Air Pollution Meteorology (formerly SI-409) Specifically, learners will be able to:

Describe the heat balance of the earth-atmosphere system including the effect of solar radiation.
Describe the relationship of atmospheric pressure and wind.
Describe the general circulation of the atmosphere.
Describe how topographical features influence wind flow and affect pollutant dispersion.
Describe the importance of turbulence in the atmosphere for dispersing air pollutants and explain the different classifications of atmospheric stability.
Describe how the vertical temperature distribution influences atmospheric stability.
Identify the key meteorological instruments that are used to collect data for air pollution studies.
Define plume rise and effective stack height.
Describe how air quality models utilize meteorological data and how these models are used to make quantifiable dispersion estimates of air pollutant concentrations.
Generally describe how meteorology is used in regulatory programs affecting air quality.
MODL301-CI: Air Dispersion Models: AERMOD (formerly APTI 423) MODL301-CI: Air Dispersion Models: AERMOD (formerly APTI 423) Specifically, learners will be able to: • Describe, in general terms, what concepts are important to atmospheric dispersion and how they relate to ground-level pollutant concentrations • Explain how the primary processes in the atmospheric boundary layer that affect dispersion are conceptually, and in some cases mathematically, constructed in AERMOD • Define much of the terminology that is used in AERMOD • Run a complete modeling scenario using the AERMOD modeling system • Develop the inputs needed to execute the various preprocessors that make up the AERMOD modeling system • Run each preprocessor of the modeling system successfully • Troubleshoot an unsuccessful run • Analyze the output from each preprocessor and AERMOD itself • Describe the AERMOD system better than if they used a third-party graphical user interface
PLAN106-SI: Exceptional Events Demonstrations PLAN106-SI: Exceptional Events Demonstrations Module 1: Exceptional Events Core Concepts

After completion of this module, learners will be able to describe key concepts associated with the treatment of air quality data influenced by exceptional events. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Define “exceptional event.”
Identify examples of air quality events that are possible exceptional events and others that are not considered to be exceptional events.
Locate the Clean Air Act provision related to exceptional events.
List the statutory criteria for an event to be considered “exceptional.”
Explain why ambient air monitoring data affected by an exceptional event may be flagged but are not removed from the Air Quality System (AQS).
Locate the exceptional events regulations.
Identify the air pollutants to which the exceptional events regulations apply.
Explain what an exceptional events demonstration is.
Identify entities that may submit exceptional events demonstrations.
Identify factors that may be relevant to an exceptional events demonstration.
Explain in general terms how exceptional events demonstrations are evaluated.
Generally explain the term “regulatory significance” for purposes of the Exceptional Events Rule.
Identify regulatory determinations and actions that have regulatory significance under the Exceptional Events Rule.
Aside from the Exceptional Events Rule process, explain whether other mechanisms exist for the modification of ambient air monitoring data for certain regulatory determinations, actions, and analyses.
Explain whether there are regulatory determinations or analyses for which there is no mechanism for ambient air monitoring data modification.

Module 2: Assembling an Exceptional Events Demonstration

After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the key components of an exceptional events demonstration as described in the Exceptional Events Rule. Specifically, learners will be able to:

Identify the components of all exceptional events demonstrations, regardless of the type of event.
Define the term “conceptual model.”
Explain what a conceptual model for an exceptional events demonstration must include.
Generally explain the “clear causal relationship” criterion in an exceptional events demonstration.
Identify the types of information and analyses that are needed to show that a “clear causal relationship” exists (information and analyses related to event emissions, the transport of these emissions, and subsequent impact of the emissions on air quality at the specific monitor(s) that recorded the exceedance).
Describe the comparison of pollutant concentrations measured at the monitor with the relevant National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).
Explain whether data from non-regulatory ambient air monitors may be used in the “clear causal relationship” portion of an exceptional events demonstration.
Describe the analyses/information needed to support the criterion that an event was “not reasonably controllable and not reasonably preventable.”
Explain the circumstances when a full analysis of the “not reasonably controllable and not reasonably preventable” criterion may not be necessary.
Identify natural sources that could result in an exceptional event.
Identify human activities that could result in an exceptional event.
Explain how to determine whether an air quality event caused by human activity is “unlikely to recur at a particular location.”
Identify statements that should be made in an exceptional events demonstration to satisfy the “human activity that is unlikely to recur at a particular location or a natural event” criterion.
Describe the public comment requirements that must be met during exceptional events demonstration development.
Identify deadlines that apply to the development of an exceptional events demonstration.
Generally describe the types of areas that must develop Exceptional Events Rule mitigation plans.
Locate helpful resources that may facilitate the development of exceptional events demonstrations.
PLAN111-SI: What are the Components of Attainment SIPs and TIPs? PLAN111-SI: What are the Components of Attainment SIPs and TIPs?
After completion of this course, learners will be able to explain the basic components of state and tribal implementation plans (SIPs and TIPs) that are common for attaining any of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). It is recommended, but not required, that learners take the following modules and/or courses before taking this course:

What are Criteria Pollutants module
BASC110-SI: Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
BASC111-SI: Introduction to NAAQS Implementation
This course consists of 8 lessons covering the following components:

A detailed emissions inventory
Identification of existing emission reduction measures
Evaluation of potential new emission reduction measures
Air quality modeling for the attainment demonstration
Adoption of enforceable emission reduction measures
Permitting programs
A plan for reasonable further progress (RFP)
Contingency measures

PLAN201-SI: Applying Technical Factors for Area Designations PLAN201-SI: Applying Technical Factors for Area Designations This course is intended for learners who have several years of experience with air quality planning and have general knowledge about area designations but have not yet applied their knowledge to analyze the technical factors that are typically used as part of the area designations process. After completion of this course, learners will be able to apply the technical factors as part of the area designations process.

It is recommended, but not required, that learners complete the course BASC110-SI: Introduction to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the module “What are Area Designations?” before taking this course. This course is comprised of two modules:

1. Overview of the Process and Timeline for Area Designations
After completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the process and timeline for designating areas under the Clean Air Act.

2. Area Designations Factor Analysis
After completion of this module, learners will be able to apply the area designations factor analysis to identify potential boundaries for a nonattainment area.

This module is structured into five factor-specific lessons. Each lesson provides context for each factor to prepare the learner to then apply a scenario at the end of the lesson. The module concludes with a “weight-of-evidence” lesson, where the learner synthesizes the information that has been applied through each factor-specific lesson. Lastly, this module includes a “real world examples” section and a “helpful resources” section, both of which include links to further information.